Genetically engineered animals.  2023 Best

This assignment involves writing a research paper on the controversy over genetically engineered animals.  Genetically engineered animals, also known as transgenic animals, have generated debate for a number of reasons. Some of the primary areas of contention are listed below: Animal genetic engineering is opposed by some people for ethical reasons. They contend that because of their inherent worth, animals shouldn’t be viewed as nothing more than objects to be used for human gain. Concerns exist regarding the wellbeing of animals created by genetic engineering. For instance, genetic engineering can hurt animals by resulting in severe and crippling health issues.

Genetically engineered animals.

Environmental risks: Animals created by genetic engineering may cause changes to ecosystems or the spread of genetic modifications to wild populations.  Health risks: Consuming goods made from genetically modified animals raises questions regarding potential health problems. For instance, some individuals are concerned that genetically modified animals may produce allergenic proteins that could harm people. Regulatory issues: There are disagreements on the suitability of the structures in place to regulate genetically modified animals. Some claim that the current legal framework is insufficient to protect humans, animals, and the environment from the risks associated with genetic engineering.

Genetically engineered animals.

In general, the debate over genetically modified animals represents a wide range of moral, intellectual, and societal challenges. While some people think that genetic engineering has a lot of potential to improve human health and welfare, others are concerned about the risks and negative effects that these technologies might have.

 The last part of the Research Paper Assignment will provide a philosophical analysis of your scientific controversy. You will assess whether your controversy is a real scientific controversy or a created controversy (this is a technical term introduced in your Harker book). If it is real you should explain what the source of the scientific disagreement was and how it was resolved (if it was resolved). You should evaluate whether, and to what extent, your controversy undermines the authority of science. If you decide your controversy was created, you should analyze how this occurred (on the model of the examples that Harker gives in Chapters 8, 9, and 10). The final version of the paper should be 6-10 pages long, and must respond to every part of the assignment (it should include your historical background and your philosophical analysis, as well as a bibliography of sources).

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